Major Supporters

How you can help

Projects and new collaboration opportunities present themselves out of the wish of the supporters of the Foundation to share in ANT’s mission and values, whether they are private companies, corporate foundations or public bodies. There are different ways that the non-profit world of ANT and the for-profit/institutional world can work together.

Examples include:

Support for ongoing projects

The Eubiosia Project (which has been providing free home care for cancer patients for over thirty years), the ANT Children Project (Progetto Bimbi) for pediatric care to children with cancer, the Cancer Prevention Projects including the mobile unit (thanks to the Prevention Bus) and the units developed at the headquarters (thanks to the Foundation’s residential clinics), and the Family Project for social emergency providing economic support to poor families are just a few examples of projects made possible by the collaboration and firm commitment of our supporters. Thanks to these dedicated donations, these projects continue to bring free help to those who need it most.

Cause Related Marketing Projects

Those who are a part of the for-profit world can support the ANT projects thanks to Cause Related Marketing (CRM) actions, providing the foundation with a part of the proceeds from their products, thereby associating their name to the good cause of ANT and developing the ethical image of the company. Revenues from CRM operations are meant for specifically chosen projects among those carried out by the Foundation.

Charity events in support of ANT

Those wishing to collaborate with the Foundation may decide to support the fundraising events organized periodically by ANT (auctions and charity dinners, conferences, sporting events, shows, special events). The contribution can be technical, offering resources, goods and services in favour of the initiative. The ANT events can provide the supporters with new opportunities for public communication and give a distinctive character to business marketing choices.

Products or services donations

Major supporters can offer free products or services to the ANT Foundation (goods, consulting, advertising space, etc.). The products can be allocated to ongoing projects or to the cANTucci, the ANT Charity Shops found in many Italian cities, where the Foundation’s Volunteers offer the products in exchange for a donation that will go towards financing the ANT institutional activity.

Payroll giving

Payroll giving is a particular form of support based on the involvement of employees, who can allocate the corresponding value of one or more hours of work to the ANT Foundation. In most cases, the employer agrees to contribute as well with a share higher than that given by the employee.

An interesting variation of the payroll giving formula was outlined for the 35th anniversary of ANT, with the Donate an Hour of Solidarity project.

Raising awareness among employees about volunteering and sharing our communication campaigns

Companies and public institutions can support ANT’s good cause by promoting the values of Volunteerism and Eubiosia among its employees. The offer of free space in the in-house company communications, posting our advertising campaigns and communications on the corporate bulletin board, raising awareness of the 5 per thousand campaign to employees, and the proposal of participating as a volunteer for an ANT activity are just some examples that provide a commited help to our projects.

We remind companies that for the 2015 fiscal year:

  1. a) Cash donations are deductible from the company’s income for an amount of up to €30,000 to a limit of 2% of business income (Art.100 p.2 letter H of the 917/86 Presidential Decree);
  2. b) Cash donations are deductible on up to 10% of the total income, and in any case, within the maximum limit of €70,000.00 a year (article 14 dl 35/05 converted into Law 80/05 called “PIU’ DAI MENO VERSI, the more you give the less you contribute”);
  3. c) For the free supply of goods by enterprises the following regime provided by article 13 paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree no. 460/1997 applies.


For further information you can contact:

Director for the Department of General Affairs – Major Projects

Phone: 0039 (0)51  Dott. Paolo Padoan