Kids in ANT

Children with cancer who are forced to face prolonged hospital stays should have the opportunity to spend more quality time at home with their family. The Children in ANT home care service (run by specialist doctors and psychologists) meets the needs of the child, guaranteeing the little patient and their family with a professional medical and psychological support that is completely free of charge and available at any time, even at night and over public holidays if needed.


The Children in ANT project does not replace the indispensable work of the Hospital Department medical team, but rather works alongside it by providing complementary assistance at home, reducing the frequent admissions to the day hospital and outpatient visits. Children in ANT is therefore a free and complementary service to the hospital one (hospitalization in the early stages of the disease and under certain circumstances remains indispensable) that allows sick children to receive the most appropriate and effective care while remaining in the warmth of their own home close to their family.


For information, please contact us on 051 7190119 –