
There are 491 professionals working for the ANT Foundation including doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and health workers. Specialist care for people with cancer and their families is guaranteed 365 days a year, 24/7, including holidays. A social welfare service operates alongside the health workers that, depending on locally available resources, provides residential specialist visits, hygienic care, linen changing, a book and film library at home, and patient transport from home to the hospital to carry out exams that can not be performed at home.

Eubiosia (a term that derives from the ancient greek meaning good life) is the principle behind the work of the ANT Foundation, whose mission is to provide cancer patients with a quality and dignity of life at a difficult stage of the disease. Eubiosia is also the name of the free home social-health assistance project offered by ANT to cancer patients and their families.

In operation since 1985, the Eubiosia Project aims to bring a complete social and health assistance to the patient’s home including any appropriate medical care through a comprehensive and free support for both the patient and their family. The Eubiosia project operating units are comprised of 23 specialized and multidisciplinary teams present in 11 Italian regions: specialists (doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, social and health workers, pharmacists and officials) who provide cancer patients at their home with health services equal to those of a hospital, while ensuring human, social and psychological support to the patient and their loved ones.